Enhancing company culture through business travel

Now that employees are working as part of a hybrid workforce, their face-to-face interactions are more valuable than ever, and companies have to be more purposeful in the ways they promote company culture.

And one of the most important ways in which a company can reinforce and build company culture is precisely through team meetings. This can foster a positive company culture when their workforces are dispersed.

Enhancing company culture

A proven fact

According to a recent study from Harvard Business Review, culture is key to a company’s success. Actually It found that it helps build:

  • 67% more collaboration between peers
  • 66% greater ability to build strong relationships with co-workers
  • 55% better management of dispersed teams
  • 40% unification of business culture across the globe
  • 62% greater ability to build closer relationships with key customers
  • 55% better collaboration between partners and suppliers
  • 51% increased understanding of customer needs
  • 41% improved customer experience

At many organizations there is a gap between the existing culture and the “desired” culture — the culture needed to support and advance the company’s goals and strategies. In a new culture-building model, everyone is responsible for cultivating the desired culture.

Culture and leadership

For better and worse, culture and leadership are inextricably linked. Founders and influential leaders often set new cultures in motion and imprint values and assumptions that persist for decades.

Every employee impacts an organization's direction, but leadership has by far the largest and most direct effect on company culture, which revolves around employee engagement, environment, atmosphere and the success of the company and its clients.

Leadership affects the confidence of the staff and whether they see mistakes as opportunities for learning or failures that damage the self-worth of the employee. And it also cultivates the foundation of culture to empower employees to achieve the company mission and realize how vital each of their contributions is to furthering those goals.

When aligned with strategy and leadership, a strong culture drives positive organizational outcomes.

The importance of face to face meetings

And one of the most effective ways to promote company culture and leadership is through team meetings. Although currently most communications take place through online meetings, it is true that nothing substitutes the value that in person meetings have. The type of communication is different, which adds more value to the interactions.

And to organize meetings in the most effective way, both from the point of view of time and cost, as well as sustainability and safety, there is a unique tool on the market. Do you know TROOP? If you haven't heard of us yet, watch this video and find out how we can help make your meeting planning more effective.



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