Smart tips for business travelers

Business travel may have been reduced since the start of the pandemic. But it is also true that with the current challenges, business travelers continue to need smart tips to get the most out of their trips.

Here are a few smart tips for business travelers:

Meeting planning

Starting with the first step, which is the organization of business travel. At this point, meeting planners need all the help available to make the process as efficient as possible. We are talking about costs and time reduction, but also about reducing the carbon footprint, or the restrictions related to COVID. The planning phase is usually delicate, and more so in these moments, when policies change day after day. That is why it is necessary to plan with the help of suitable tools.

Needed documentation

The passport currently requires a validity period of no less than six months. So if you need it to travel, check this information in advance so that there are no setbacks. And given the circumstances of COVID in which we live, find out about all the necessary tests and documentation to provide so that you do not have problems when entering the country. And this applies to both entry and return.

Unforeseen events

Try to anticipate unforeseen events. So when you arrive at the destination, everything is prepared, so you don’t need to start looking for applications at that moment. Or avoid having to review documentation and paperwork that you could have solved at the point of origin. Try to have all the necessary data so that upon arrival you only worry about the purpose of your trip.

The devil is in the details

Try to control the needs that you will have when you arrive. Surely you will need some service to take you to the destination, such as taxis. Look ahead to the possibilities, to avoid complications on the spot. And surely you will also need to justify the expenses, so do not forget to gather all the receipts in one place. This will save you trouble later and is easy to do at the moment. Take it as something you do systematically.


We often worry about data roaming while traveling abroad. Getting a local sim can seem like a cheaper alternative. And you could also try and connect to the hotspot of your hotel and other restaurants to download maps and other essentials for offline use later on. Also, do not forget that many times you will need adapters for the plugs. In times when we cannot live without a mobile phone, this is of vital importance.

A successful meeting planning

Luckily, we have the answer to most of the needs of meeting planners. At TROOP, we have developed an application that makes travel organization a fast and efficient process.

The application that we have developed at TROOP allows users to have all the relevant data in one place when organizing a meeting. And this includes environmental impact, offering carbon footprint and sustainability data; flight and accommodation prices, as well as total travel times. The result is decisions that have all the information.

At TROOP we want to make users free so that they can make informed decisions, and thus meet their objectives, whether they are cost savings, minimize the impact that meetings have on the environment, or the speed in achieving the meetings.

All this without mentioning the visibility that the platform offers on restrictions due to covid and entry into countries. If a group from different countries wants to meet, TROOP provides updated information on which countries can be accessed, and what restrictions it has, always offering the best alternative.

You still don’t know our application? Do not hesitate and book a demo with us!

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